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Dr. Fernando Abdala Mendonça


Dr. Fernando Abdala Mendonça

CROSP: 53.494

Specialty: Dental surgeon

Procedures: Zygomatic Dental Implants

Professional qualifications

Academic studies

Improvement courses at APCD – São Paulo Association of Dental Surgeons – Ribeirão Preto, ABO – Uberaba, ABO – Fortaleza. ABO – Campinas. SESI/SENAI Brasília, EAP/DF Brasília.

Hospitals where the service is provided:

Clínica Integrada SP

More information

Dr. Fernando Abdala Mendonça is a specialist in Oral Implants (major oral surgery and bone reconstruction) trained in TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) pain relief, specialized in elderly patient care and trained in Laser Therapy.

See patient testimonials

There are
not enough words to express our gratitude, since there are things in life that
money cannot pay for. The smile that you gave back to everybody who has
received care in your hands and the hands of your team. I can only ask the Gods
and the Universe to keep blessing this GIFT of yours.

being an excellent professional, he is a great human being.
Congratulations on being the person you are.

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Benefits of the zygomatic implant

✔︎ Patients with conditions such as osteoporosis, diabetes and other diseases can undergo zygomatic implantation;

✔︎ This technique avoids the need for of bone grafting in the patient, resulting in a less invasive surgery. It is the most innovative procedure of its kind in the field of dental surgery, since the time to restore function and the placement of the immediate fixed total prosthesis, that could take up to one year, is only 48 hours;

✔︎ In addition to all these health-related benefits, the Zygomatic Implant also gives lip support back to the patient, maintaining facial aesthetics, symmetrical lips and even bringing back a desire to smile;

Procedures Performed

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