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As time goes by, the face undergoes changes. 

The constant muscle contractions and the loss of skin elasticity form lines on the forehead, glabellar furrows, and eyebrow drooping. The face looks tired and sad. The forehead lift aims to soften forehead wrinkles and reposition the brow, restoring a more youthful and pleasant appearance.

As time goes by, the face undergoes changes. 

The constant muscle contractions and the loss of skin elasticity form lines on the forehead, glabellar furrows, and eyebrow drooping. The face looks tired and sad. The forehead lift aims to soften forehead wrinkles and reposition the brow, restoring a more youthful and pleasant appearance.

Schedule your daily and social life in the days following the surgery ,taking all the necessary precautions.

It is important that you are in good health to have the surgery. 

During the medical appointment a complete physical evaluation is done, and laboratory exams are laboratory exams are requested.

Some recommendations must be followed before the surgery. 

Inform your doctor about the medications you normally use, because some of them must be suspended, as is the case with anticoagulants.

In the days before the surgery it is advisable to stop drinking alcohol and smoking.


Tell the doctor in case of flu and indisposition before the surgery.


8 hours before surgery, fasting absolutely no solid food or liquids.

The surgery time, hospitalization and the type of anesthesia will be informed by your doctor.

The return to normal activities and work takes a few days.

Other specific recommendations, concerning dressing care healing, sun exposure and sports activities will be given by your doctor.

Patience and care are fundamental in the post-operative period. 

Over the course of a few months, you will be able to see a more natural and definitive result.

Complications are rare due to the preparation done preoperatively and the care offered during and after the surgery.

Plastic surgery is one of the ways to gain more self-confidence and improve your quality of life.

Talk about your expectations with your doctor and see what can really be done in your case, because perfection doesn’t exist, but the results are worth it.

Together you will be able to choose the surgical techniques that exist and the most suitable for your case, because the anatomy of each person must always be respected.

There is no plastic surgery without scars.


Each person has a different healing process that does not depend on the doctor, but on the organism.

You must seek the best result within your reality, without expecting to look like someone famous or that you admire.

Surgical technique

The frontal muscle is responsible for the appearance of the transversal lines on the forehead.

The corrugator and procerus muscles, on the other hand, are responsible for the wrinkles between the eyebrows. 

With age, the eyebrows may fall, making the look sad, and disturbing the visual field.

The surgery can be performed by the open or videoendoscopic technique, depending on each case.

In both cases, the forehead tissues are detached. And the muscles responsible for the frontal and glabellar wrinkles are treated. 

The eyebrows are then repositioned, being elevated to a natural position. 

In general, the incision is totally hidden within the hair, whether it is performed by the open or video endoscopic technique.

In cases where the implantation of the hair is very high, a discreet incision positioned at the hairline may be necessary.


Post-surgical recommendations

It is recommended to keep the head elevated and use cold compresses during the recovery to reduce the edema. Soon after the procedure, it is possible to notice the results, but they become more visible as the purple spots and the edemas disappear.

We take care of every detail in your medical trip

Medical Travel Package

Includes transfers from and to:
Airport + Hotel + Clinic + Hospital

Hotel or SPA post surgery

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Highly qualified medical team