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Men can also benefit from  Surgery, to correct problems that affect their self-esteem. The excessive development of breasts in men causes an effeminate aspect, generating embarrassment and shame.

Causes of breast excess

Men, like women, possess mammary glands. however, in normal situations they do not develop. The development of the male mammary region occurs by the enlargement of the mammary gland known as Gynecomastia or by the accumulation of fat known as pseudo-gynecomastia.Some factors are associated with this problem: genetics, hormonal changes in childhood, adolescence, and old age, and even certain types of medication. However, most cases have no certain cause. Through a detailed medical consultation the doctor will be able to make a diagnosis and recommend the best treatment. In some cases laboratory and imaging tests are requested.


Pre-surgical recommendations

Plan your daily and social life in the days following the surgery, taking all the necessary precautions. It is important that you are in good health to undergo the surgery. During the medical appointment a complete physical evaluation is done, and laboratory exams are requested.  

Some recommendations must be followed before the surgery. Inform your doctor about the medications you normally use, because some of them must be suspended, as is the case with anticoagulants. In the days before the surgery, it is advisable to stop drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking. inform the doctor in case of flu and indisposition before the surgery. 

8 hours beforehand, fasting from solid foods and liquids. The surgery time, hospitalization and the type of anesthesia will be informed by your doctor. The return to normal activities and work will take place in a few days. Other specific recommendations regarding dressing care, healing, sun exposure, and sports activities will be given by your doctor.

Patience and care are fundamental in the post-operative period. Over a few months, you will be able to see the definitive, more natural result.  Complications are rare, due to the preparation done in the pre-operative period and the care offered during and after the surgery.

Plastic Surgery is one of the ways to gain more self-confidence and improve your quality of life.   

Talk about your expectations with your doctor and see what can really be done in your case, because perfection doesn’t exist, but the results are worthwhile.  Together you can discuss the existing surgical techniques and that is most suitable in your case, because the anatomy of each person must always be respected. There is no plastic surgery without scars. 

Each person has a different healing process that does not depend on the doctor, but on the body. 

Surgical Technique

Through an incision on the margin of the areola, the excess mammary gland is removed. The scar is disguised in the transition between the areola and the thorax skin. In cases where there is a great excess of skin, the scars are larger. 

When there is only excess fat, only liposuction is performed, resulting in minimal scarring.

The placement of a drain may be necessary, helping in the removal of accumulated liquids, which is removed in the days following the surgery. 

The Plastic Surgery for Gynecomastia Correction restores the man’s self-esteem, eliminating embarrassment in dressing rooms, beaches, and social activities.    

The scars mature and become less visible as time goes by, and it may take a few months. 

Your doctor may recommend the use of ointments and other types of treatments that accelerate the healing process, improving the scar’s final aspect.

Post-surgical recommendations

In the first days, the breasts will be swollen and temporary numbness may or may not occur. Sun exposure must be avoided during this period. 

The use of a thoracic compressive mesh can be recommended to accelerate the surgical recovery.

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